Hub of inactivity

One day I may clear it out but it feels wrong to dispose of other people's stuff. I don't know how many generations have come and gone from this windowless room, leaving their files behind them. Currently I am the only inhabitant, Steve going off to sunnier pastures.

Somehow the word 'windowless' had not really conveyed much to me until I saw a picture.
*hugs own office window tightly*, not actually. As I do not have a room to myself I might have got odd looks from the 20 other people around. I fear such things.
Otherwise, though - cool. And...weird to see.
Nice mousemat.
pxqxuxjx? I think Blogger is sniggering at me.
Is that an escape door behind Keppet's desk?
It is more of a security joke.
I lock my office when I leave. I don't want my puters stolen afterall. But on a couple of occasions, I forget my keys or lock them inside. So then I just go next door, to a room that is always unlocked, and use the connecting door. It requires an ungainly entrance over the desktop and whatever glass bottles and papers I have left on my desk.
You can also see the "window" between these two rooms. It has a piece of wood over it and someone has placed black and white pictures of London, Paris and US National Parks on the wood. Sometimes someone in the other room decides to take down the wooden panel and discover what is beyond. When they see me sitting at my desk their eyes widen, their hair stands on end and they hurry to put the wooden panel back before they prematurely age.
And what the desk?
Hm... a plastic carrier bag and a couple of boxes of wine. Not mine alas. But something I can rest my feet on.
I could not work in that space. I thought the built-up mess in our spaces were bad, but that would be more than I could bear.
My Serenity mouse pad and my G'day Sydney souvenir keyring are the only personal things I have at my desk. Up until a couple of weeks ago there was only the keyring.
ashargyx. Sounds like a nasty disease, or possibly a random body part.
To my eyes, you've got loads of office space!
Spidey seems to be the only splash of colour in your depressing workplace, Kep.
Ah, how I love working from home. *gazes at desk*
Frog and A Dog sit perched on either side of my computer monitor (their names are self-explanatory, I trust), my GRRM books are on the desk beside the monitor, as I have totally run out of shelf space, I have my lovely dog mousepad (also from Em... she makes a little mark in all our offices, eh?), various stones and crystals strewn about, a whole load of random mess, and photos of dogs, siblings, and a now resting-in-peace kitten on the drawers to my right. Oh, and a pair of orchid plants. And more crsytals. And a whole load more books. And a working clock on the wall in front of me, with two wolf pictures to either side of it. The rest of the room is just a total mess... but it's all mine. Plus two windows.
Ahem... sorry. Got a little carried away there. I have no photo to share. Words have to suffice.
*hugs room, Skit fashion*
Oh! I forgot to mention my little Lego landspeeder, sitting atop the GRRM books. There's a Lego Luke and Obi-Wan in it. Obi-Wan is driving. Luke is standing up dangerously in the passenger seat, brandishing a Lego lightsabre.
(also from Em... she makes a little mark in all our offices, eh?)
Hah, yeah. Love that spidey mouse-pad, I have one too! *beams* Glad to see it there, Kepp!
vdhsdlzw. Some kind of odd soup?
Only splash of colour, sis? It's a very colourful office. Far too busy really.
Has Rian finished with questions and ready for posting her thoughts? (Here's hoping her thoughts are "I must go and save Keppet (O Keppet) from this! To the Rianmobile!" and she then turns up at my door armed with a paint brush.)
If Rian were racing to save Keppet O Keppet, Rian would come thundering through with a passel of Large Trash Bags.
Once EVERYTHING ELSE is tossed out, perhaps a shiny new computer and a Spidey Mural. And a big black leather chair to rule the world from.
When can I expect you?
Somehow I pictured engineers having a more professional work area.
I saw a spiderman driver's license the other day and thought of you - almost bought it, but thought you might already have too much spiderman kitsch. If there can be too much, that is.
Sayaxy - if it's not a word, it should be.
Engineers do. Ask skit to post her picture of the Lean office.
I am a physicist.
sorry, all the sciences blur to me.
still, physicists should definitely be given consideration, too, I'm sure.
Somehow I pictured engineers having a more professional work area.
I wish!
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