Sunday, December 19, 2004

Education/science/division of the sexes

I learnt something that horrified me today. Thanks to how the government fund schools nowadays, my old grammar school has stopped teaching physics at A-level (16+). It has applied to be funded as a school specialising in drama.

I am on the verge of tears as I think of all those girls denied the chance to study physics. In theory they are allowed to go to a local boys grammar in the sixth form but without good GCSE (15/16 yr old) teaching, they are unlikely to take the plunge and be the token females studying at a boys' school. These girls are now being told yes- you are the brightest females in west-Kent/ east-Sussex but you are not good enough to do physics. How about a little stage-show instead?

I am sickened. How is it that the country is run this way?

What can I do to help? I have thought about writing to the headmistress but don't know what I can offer.


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