Friday, July 23, 2004

Mission Statement

The idea is to keep in touch.

Email, for me, is not a way of keeping in touch. It requires much effort to write an email and then you have to wonder whether the recipiant really wants to hear what you had for breakfast. I am very unlikely to tell people important things by email but I would post them on The Board. Why? Because there a person can choose whether to read what's happening in my life. I am not forcing it upon them.

Plus, I like to keep a record of my correspondance. I have thousands of emails that are sitting in various folders, never to be read again basically due to poor organisation and the way I email bits of my life to different people. With The Board I can just look up the thread I want. Things can be kept organised and together.

Okay, so that is my justification. I just find The Board more to my taste. Sorry to all my friends that feel left out because I never email them and prefer to post my life elsewhere but that is who I am.

Of course, this isn't a messageboard. I wanted one... but JG poo-pooed that idea. So this is The Next Best Thing. Hopefully.

Er- there is a minor mission as well which is as a repository for things I post on The Board. Like my Spidey review which I will transfer with the cunning use of cut and paste.

As this isn't a diary, just a means to keep track of me and a way of storing Board moments, don't expect many entries. If you care, I could probably email when new entries are up.


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