Hey you get off of my path
In my early teens, I had a best friend, a Friend Forever. Of course, it wasn't forever and I am over that, honest, and oddly enough one thing that we had a falling out about was about paths. Metaphorical ones. A bizarre thing to break up a friendship but it's an idea that never seems to vanish.
The metaphorical path is life, obviously, and the question is whether it's wide enough for two and if it is, whether you even want company.
I've not changed a jot in the 17 years (17!) since this caused a rift in that friendship. I still can't imagine being anything but alone. The idea that my path is not mine and mine alone rather repulses me as if another's footsteps sullies it.
And yet I want to be heard and I want a response. It's hypocritical when I don't do the same in return and I accept that and believe I'd rather be alone than a hypocrite so I back away from stamping my feet and demanding attention. Strange though that it still makes me sad when I try to share things with another and get no response.
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