71 years ago
(I've been meaning to move this here for ages now... It is just a few Board posts and a photo from my Flickr stream so nothing new. Just things I need to save.)

Miss Mitchell (my grandmother)
I shall be waiting outside the shop for you at 9 o'clock Saturday evening. I hope you don't mind me sending this note with Ron. I would have made arrangements with you last Wednesday night only your parents came along so soon.
I am writing this in a hurry so please excuse writing + notepaper.
See you at 9 o'clock.
Cliff Jones (my grandfather)
First note received 15th February 1936 after first meeting February 5th 1936.
cliff passed away today.
apparently mum gave him a kiss at 2.30 and he died half an hour later.
probably have funeral next week and jac says he will get extra marks in
his test that he has next week.
Mum is down in south wales and i have to stay here to make sure jac
turns up to his exams.
The distance feels odd. I don't know whether it is a good thing or not. I guess I can pretend that nothing has changed. I won't really recognise the difference until Christmas.
I spoke to my mum and she said that he died listening to the Mikado and was on morphine. I guess if I had to choose how to listen to Gilbert and Sullivan, that would be the way.
Seriously, it sounds like he went in the best possible way. She said that he responded when his favourite song came on and died soon after.
I am sad and slightly tearful. I have never had anyone close to me die before. I think part of the sadness comes from losing that innocence. Mingled with worry about how my mother is coping.

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