The highlight clip show probably hosted by Angus Deayton
Copy and paste Board post...
This is a book I read this year rather than a book that came out this year. Although there was stiff competition from Nightwatch and A Time Traveller's Wife, the book that was blew me away this year was Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell. It was full of Pratchett-style humour but also felt incredibly fresh and exciting. I was hooked on the book from start to finish and delighted in the way tangents and digressions could take over the plot.
I actually cannot remember a single good film out this year. X3 was only okay and that was the big release (oh and PotC2 and Superman Returns but I have never been a fan of either). I saw Nightwatch in January (the US had a rather late release) so that wins for me even though it was a bit patchy. It was at least visually and thematically brilliant.
TV Show
Contenders are Heroes, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Six Feet Under (not of course new this year but new to me), Life on Mars... Possibly others too. But the winner kind of has to be Battlestar Galactica for being both a show I enjoy immensely and a show I am proud is getting made. Most of the other shows I have listed I think are just out there to make televsion... be a bit of fun or a way to earn a living. BSG somehow has become a work of art- an incredible look at humanity. What makes us human, where we come from and where we are going... Its themes are so huge in scope, I feel painfully unworthy to watch it at some times.
Personal event
I would love for once to have my highlight of the year be non-Hobbling related just to convince myself that I have a Real Life. Alas, my highlight was the New York/Boston Hobbmeet. Meeting so many people and living with some of them... well, who seriously thought we'd make it work? It was a massive event and ran near-perfectly thanks to our combined efforts. Thanks to every Hobbling... and honorary Hobblings.
Runners-up were the Hobbling Thanksgiving and a not-so-Hobbling event which was Fairie's wedding.
And the Board post from 2005...
Like many here my favourite film of the year was based on a cult tv show. Yes, it's The League of Gentleman's Apocalypse.
Of the 2005 releases, my favourite book was Harry Potter 6. But of the books I have read this year, G R R Martin's Fevre Dream.
Ha. Doctor Who. I think. Oh, Farscape Peacekeeper Wars should also count as 2005. And also Battlestar Galactica.
Personal Highlight(s)
Three days of Hobbness last February when Em and jes accosted me in my own home followed by a large Hobbmeet in a bowling alley and then a day freezing in snowy London doing touristy things/ laughing at naked santa.
Also brainwashing skit into becoming Just Like Me.
Also... California baby!
And seeing the Milky Way, shooting stars and many constellations from the north rim of the Grand Canyon.
Seeing an awesome lightning storm in Arizona.
Gate-crashing Rian's Thanksgiving.
Mathematical deduction evidences that Rian had Much To Do with yearly highlights.
...I would be preening, if I could.
How about we do it again this weekend?
Why, let's!
I feel mildly involved...
Hee, the 2005 stuff is amusing. Can't believe all of that is over a year old now.
Hah, Jes and me accosting you. One of my favourite Hobbling moments. *grins*
(Another being I've Nevare at the Brass Rail...)
And Fevre Dream. God, I love that book. I can't talk about it around Ash, because it makes her cry...
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