The Real Slim Apa

So to start at the most important event of the day, I woke up. There were hallelujahs and choirs of angels and the normal giving of thanks. Then things went smoothly until I arrived in London and discovered...
The Comic Showcase is no more!
Holding in my grief, I made sure that Forbidden Planet was still in its normal orbit. I failed to find Mike's comics and resisted drooling over the Marvel ones as I hadn't factored in the extra time for this jaunt and needed to meet with my vict... I mean, friends.
Probably looking gormless and lost, I hesitated at the threshold of the bar Athel recommended (and looking at the bucket of alcohol she called a drink it was easy to see why). Not for long though as Athel and Apocryphalbiped (I just realised that I was the only person whose "name" didn't start with an A) were already there and deep into their intoxication.

I ordered a French Martini. It wasn't as good as the one at Angel's.
It was nearing 6 o'clock and main topic of conversation was which freak of nature we could take a picture of and say it was the absent Apa who had obviously thought twice about having drinks with three older women. There was the man dressed in the Superman costume followed by a Supergirl and Porn Star (we assume). There were the small boys with punkish hairstyles (we feared reprisal from mothers). And then there was the guy in the blue t-shirt we decided to kidnap and make our own.
There were more drinks. I do think Apa going for the champagne cocktail was girly but I am probably only jealous because I didn't discover cocktails (beyond Bucks Fizz) until two years ago.

There was food. In Chinatown. There was also dance. In Trafalger Square. Well, I say dance... but if Apa tried to pull any of those moves on the dance floor, he wouldn't be pulling anything else. People in big wheels was a particular favourite (watchers showed their appreciation by reading the newspaper when the news sheets weren't being used as a shield from the typical summer rain). Biped and I were genuinely pleased by the half nekkid man with a skirt but would have been more pleased had they staged it anywhere near where we were sitting. In the end biped decided that our distance from him and the way we couldn't see more than snatches of his dance due to all the people only served to add mystery. Finally (well, finally for us as we scarpered before it ended) we had what biped charmingly describes as "random percussion sounds punctuated with the howls of a man who might have had his Avocado's trapped in his underpants". There is no way I could describe it better than that.
I wondered what you were doing with that post on the board. Apa looks pretty much like I imagined.
thanks for the report and the photos! those drinks don't look bucket-sized to me..
There should have been a goldfish swimming in Unbearably Beautiful's drink. Num.
...for the drink, not the goldfish.
Phew, you frightened me for a while, Keppet !
I like the real Apa better.
*laughs* I wish I had seen your board post before hearing about it!
Almighty bob, I just scared myself looking at me glaring at the camera. Possibly one of the worst pictures ever taken of me.
Hmm. If you really believe that, you have already forgotten the one taken today of you singing along to the voices in your ears.
That really is a big drink.
Apa looks different than I imagined him, and yet... very Apa indeed. Yep. That's the Real Apa.
Sounds as though a wondrous, and typically Hobbling-esque, time was had by all.
Notice the use of ' of...'
I surely shall refuse any further hobbling photography. And if you were thinking of putting up any extremely hideous pics of me anywhere, dear skits, I would suggest that you will never get your hands on Due South. Or BSG 2.
I can always hold your BSG 1 hostage.
You mean I have to find pics of yesterday where you don't look amusing?
We'll need another meet.
verification: astthium. The secret substance with which one can defeat big-arsed superheroes.
My arse is normal-sized. It was my stomach that was unfairly enlarged.
Sorry, biped. It was a bad picture. Alas it was the only one I took of all three. Shame on me for not being more snap-happy.
hehe, I have seen most of skits pics, and I have come to the conclusion that 98% of pictures involving me are quite horrendous.
oh. my. god.
Apa? is the little boy there is Apa? i imagined him a bit more.. mature. And asiatic. Looks he could be Merlin's brother (little brother). Don't tell him. I think i'm confusing him with someone else.
Was he allowed to drink alcohol? Looks like he 12 or something.
And no way the glass Biped has in front of her is big, it's just a normal cocktail glass to me. I've seen much bigger ones.
Did you notice the blond woman in the background with a jean's vest and black trousers? Jeez, she's scary and don't seem very happy.
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