
Tomorrow is the 24 hous from hell. How productive can you be during a shift that long? The first owl was not productive. CS and I were tired when we started and got more incapable of thought as the night wore on. The optics failed and we could not get a low and stable beam current for calibration. Yesterday was a day shift and we had the invaluable aid of MW and RA. The four of us did the calibration from 1e9 to 1e6 electrons per bunch and then got the optics working and even went so far as to put the scintillator into the beamline. We got the lovely picture above on our CCD camera. You can see that the radiation has knocked quite a few pixels out of commission but it can still show us the bright blue cherenkov light.
Although reading that was like reading Ancient Sumerian, I am sorry it's not going well. I hope it gets better. (I must be channeling Rian-- I am resisting an urge to add "pet" or "dear" at the end of each sentence).
I have no idea what you actually adjusted, but I think that radiation damage creates a nice pattern.
Good Luck for today. Stay awake.
The death of the camera is certainly s glorious one...
Best of luck for today/tomorrow.
not s.
silly sibilant sus.
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