MC Escher Perspective
This entry overlaps with the last (entitled Live Fast Die Never). Forgive me for the repetition.

On the middle weekend, Charlie visited to save me from going crazy seeing the same faces each day. Of course I was soon going crazy just seeing his face all day. One day I will learn how to interact with people rather than computers and televisions. On the Saturday we walked up to

The second week progressed much as the first and we left a day early on the Friday as Glen was especially tired of the conference. I felt a little cheated out of an evening in the luxurious condo and a few physics lectures but had to go with them. The day was not good however as I woke feeling ill and unable to travel. But I had to and this time we had the addition of Lisa in the car- Steve’s girlfriend. She had a peculiar talent for picking loud music that did not help my icky feeling and the journey was terrible. Glen and Stewart gave as much sympathy as they could but Steve seemed to drive badly on purpose, kept shaking my seat and only gave his attention to Lisa talking to me only to demand I look around the back of the car for his camera lens cap or move into the back seat so he could share the middle row with Lisa (who couldn’t move into the back herself because she gets travel sick- lovely logic there not to move the girl who could get sick but instead move the girl who already was). Ill as I felt, I didn’t say anything to him and just cried on the inside that there was nothing I could do to feel better.

We arrived at our destination, Cortez in Colorado, late in the evening. During the 7 or 8 hours of travel we stopped once to have coffee (or in my case peppermint tea)- we didn't even have toilet breaks. Feeling as I did, I bowed out of dinner and went straight to my room. I woke feeling much better the next day- just like my usual self. We went to Mesa Verde, a National Park famed for its cave dwellings. We first went to the "Balcony" which was a guided tour on the face of a canyon-side. Before going down the face, Steve and I argued about the day before. He was upset I refused to sit in the back. I was upset that he didn't understand how sick I was. It was not pretty. But... anyway. Glen volunteered to help the guide ("ranger" actually) and was on point as the guide picked up the rear. We went down a steep path and then up a ladder to get to the balcony rooms. The buildings were perched on a ledge on this cliff face and built from local sandstone. The holes you can see in the pictures are doors, not windows. So tiny yet the people

When we got away from the tour group Steve had a go at me again. For arguing with him when people were around. For embarrassing him maliciously and on purpose. Yeah right. Thanks for understanding how annoying and unthinking you were Steve. Thanks for understanding how upset you made me. It takes two to have an argument. If Steve hadn't attacked me I could have born his company quite well for the rest of the trip. Instead there was tension throughout.
We walked a couple of trials to get more out of Mesa Verde. We saw another small settlement of cave dwellings this time by the base of the canyon and walked a few miles up the side of the canyon to see a petroglyph which (apparently) depicted the journey of several tribes from the Grand Canyon to their final destinations. The walk was not terribly easy on my knees which were feeling the toll of three weeks of walking and climbing.

The road went through Navajo. The Indian reservation was grim. Barely a settlement in sight and what there was comprised of a gas station and a burger bar. Despite the late hour, we had to move on to get out into somewhere still showing signs of life. Life seemed mainly to be in the heavens as for 150 miles

We stopped for the night at a place called Page choosing a hotel right by a fantastic country and western bar which obviously had more tourists than locals. Despite the late hour (it was 9pm when we arrived, Arizona time, which corresponded to 10pm in Colorado), I decided to brave dinner, partly because I was in a cheery mood after the light show and partly because nothing was on tv. I had a small and cheap meal- just soup and salad- but still found it hard to get through. But made up for it by having a couple of cocktails. There was a band playing in the next room. Lots of Elvis and similar songs. It made for a great atmosphere and a fun night. I left as the bar closed around 11pm and went to my room for well-earned sleep but the others went on to a bowling alley and another bar.
The next day Steve had a terrible migraine. The evil part of me wondered whether this was pay-back for him ignoring my pain... but the other side of me just worried that there was nothing I could do or say to make him better (or more fun to travel with). That day Glen and Stew bought PSPs. Which is uninteresting really and so won't be mentioned again. Arizona by daylight wasn't as dramatic or indeed lethal as Arizona by night but it had its

I made everyone go out at 9pm to an activity at the canyon. It was just a short walk followed by a short talk and story-telling on the edge of the canyon with no light pollution for miles. Oh. My. It was a clear night. Not a cloud in the sky. And I have never seen it so beautiful. For the first time in my life I saw the Milky Way and shooting stars. It was so stunning. It should h

Riding on the wave of happiness from this, the night was not so bad. Due to lack of accommodation in the area, I ended up sharing with Glen and Stew who were both monumental snorers. It was a tricky situation as we had managed to get two rooms each with a single and a double bed. Obviously Steve and Lisa were willing (and wanting) to have the double but they were unwilling to share their room so we had to drag the mattress of their single into the other room. I didn’t make a fuss and indeed tried to be as cheery as possible but it was obvious that the best solution for all would have been for me to share the room with Steve and Lisa given that I could not be expected to sleep with Glen and Stewart. But instead I bore it out and lay awake all night listening to their chorus, sleeping eventually when they left the room at 6am for the canyon walk. I was not intending to do the full walk down the side of the canyon to “Roaring Springs” anyway, due to tensions in previous walks where they had gone far too fast for me and an increasingly painful knee, so it was not a difficult decision to choose sleep over a 6am trek. I spent the day alone in the room as it seemed impossible to make it the 17 miles from the cabins to the National Park without a car. I did some work that I urgently needed to do anyway (a poster for the RAL Summer School) and wrote a lengthy email to Susannah. It wasn’t a bad way to spend the day. The others returned around 5pm with tales of their hard walk up the side of the canyon. If Steve found it hard, chances are I would never have managed it. That evening was almost farcical as they discussed staying the next night in Yosemite (near San Francisco). I watched them, waiting for them to realise that by spending this extra day in the Grand Canyon we were relinquishing the chance not only to spend the next night somewhere nice but also the opportunity to visit anywhere en route including the planned stop at the Hoover Dam. After an hour of bickering, they caught onto the fact that there was nothing to it other than to drive non-stop the next day to Bakersfield. Even so, my suggestion that we leave before 10 was met with derision.
I slept in the bathroom. With the fan on to drown out the duelling snorers. The next and penultimate day, we drove pretty much non-stop (via Zion so Lisa could see the marvellous scenery) until Vegas where everyone insisted on going to an electronics store so that Steve could buy an ipod and Stew a laptop charger (for the car). Needless to say, the store had neither item in stock and yet we spent an hour there somehow. I browsed the dvds and found a particularly humorous one- Jekyll and Hyde the musical starring David Hasselhof. I showed this to Lisa expecting a laugh but instead got "I've been looking for that for years!" and she bought the thing. Odd girl. That day, we drove until midnight. We stopped off for a meal at around 9 at a diner and then had the hassle of trying to find a shop that sold chocolate cake for Lisa, the chocolate cake freak (I thought it an adorable trait until it emerged that it was an actual dependency), as the diner was closing and wouldn't serve dessert. After that, it was about 10 and Glen got in to drive. We hit our destination, Bakersfield, at 11 and he just kept driving. "Er Glen, you just passed some motels. How about taking the next exit?" He just drove. "Er Glen... what are you doing? Okay- take the next exit?" He drove... "Er Glen... we just left Bakersfield. Are you insane?" He drove. And giggled. Insanely. Honestly he just drove and giggled for miles and miles... We saw another motel and said "Stop please for the love of bob!" and yet he just drove. Steve was getting so agitated and quite threatening. To tell the truth, I found it amusing. Eventually Glen ceased giggling and actually did pull over at a motel. Which was dark and empty. We drove again and stopped at the next motel and this one had a guy at the desk, got three rooms and went our ways. I was oddly happy at the events. It annoyed Steve and made me laugh. The motel we found was kind of rough and smelly but at least it was of a reasonable price- as the only one on this trip without someone to split the cost of the rooms, I was grateful.
We finally got everyone away by nine the next morning. The return journey was refreshingly uneventful. The highlight was a presentation on finding the top quark at the ILC by Stewart who had a job interview as soon as he landed in the UK. He made his 4:30pm flight and we all made it home. Safe and sound. And more or less, alive.
Seconded. The bottom one is fantastic because the whole landscape is just so alien to me...oh and I love sunsets. There can never be too many photos of sunsets.
Take it the girl in the group pic is Lisa?
Yep. The Girl with the David Hasselhof love.
We had to trek for miles to see that rock art. And that sunset was also at the same time as a huge lightning storm. There were cells for about 100 miles giving us the most dramatic...
Sigh. I will get around to actually writing a diary for this leg of the journey. Maybe when I am in the UK.
Hi Q.
If the diary eats into email time I shall get narky. Just because I'm out of the country doesn't mean you can ignore me...
Oh I meant to tell you Myo thought she'd found your blog the other day. She asked us what we thought of it in chat. Clearly set up by someone who likes RD but then lost interest. But it amused me she'd tried that and never thought of this...
Naturally that was the url I wanted... Sigh.
But it is a little weird she would assume that was mine given its emptiness... And why precisely would you ask for comments on an empty blog?
Anyway. If I write here I will never 1) do your email of the day or 2) write my diary or 3) do any work. So adieu.
I just assumed Myo was correct with the bobtheskutter address. Now I feel really stupid for not trying this name sooner. Duh.
Lovely photos btw.
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