Blue Sun

Two by two... hands of blue...
Two by two... hands of blue...
edit: From an email to sus...
Well we drove through SF to Sonoma. SF was totally fog bound and quite cold.
We had lunch in a park in the centre of Sonoma town and there was a newly wed couple there having pictures taken (still in their wedding costumes... I mean, er clothes. Whatever). I heard the wedding photographer call the guy "Angel"! Ha! So there are people called Angel in RL.
Then we went to a winery and had a tour of the vineyards and the caves and saw where they crushed and fermented the grapes. It was rather nice. The country there is stunning- rather volcanic I think (all extinct now). Anyway. Wine tasting next. It didn't taste as good as the winery we went to down south of SF but we bought something that tasted of elderflower cordial (the guy that poured our drinks had no clue was elderflowers were and swore that the floral taste to the wine was honeysuckle).
Anyway, we then drove back through SF and then went to Half Moon Bay where we had dinner and then went to a small cafe/bookshop for coffee/tea (I had camomille- I have been caffeine free of evenings for about two years now if you discount chocolate). The cafe was actually meant to be closed but the owner was sitting outside on the porch and still gave us drinks. It was wonderful... small but cosy and the shelves were just full of interesting books. I wanted so many. Oh, and above a little bin as a sort of target for waste that needs to be thrown into it was a picture of Dubya Bush. It was that kind of place. I asked the guy whether he had read all the books he sold and he said that that was the idea- he wanted a bookshop so that he could read all the books he wanted. But of course suddenly it was a business that ate up his time rather than allowed him time to read. But still, I can't help but look at this small place overlooking the sea and think yes- that is what I want

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