Saturday, September 09, 2023

Norway 1st September aka Friday

 This day was simply the best. 

After a very fog-bound Thursday, we were really concerned that Friday would be much of the same. The mountains on the other side of the fjord were hidden in clouds and they were meant to be where we were hiking. But I had some optimism that we might be able to get above the low lying clouds after consulting with the online weather reports of there being sun on the peak of Segla.

So we started off from Fjordgard and walked up and up. Initially under cloud and then in it. A couple that were coming down gave us hope that it was clear at the top. Their beaming faces either indicated that it was a stupendous view or that they were gleeful at the massive trick they were playing on us.

It was fortunately the former.

I went on a bit ahead of Joe and Lisa as I was impatient for success. And so was the first to see Segla. It was a dark looming shape in the mist. I shrieked with joy, apparently giving Lisa some needed enthusiasm to continue up.

When the clouds truly broke it was like being in heaven only with far fewer cherubs playing harps and all in all a lot nicer than I think I have ever seen heaven depicted.

The last segment of the trail up Hesten (which is the mountain we were on, viewing the other mountain of Segla) was a steep scramble. Lisa elected not to take it and within a couple of minutes of attempting it, I was regretting the decision. I decided to turn around as it was just a ridiculous climb up a near vertical slope without an obvious trail. But then a couple (who turned out to be from CA) came down and I realised that I was way off the trail. They pointed out the route I was meant to be taking (which I swear didn't look like a route at all) and once I was on it, it seemed feasible again. 

And so I climbed to the top, with Joe ahead and seemingly gleeful at my struggles or at least that is how I read the fact that he took a series of photos of my efforts.

I was shaky at the top. Joe was scampering out onto ledges without any concern but I was hugging the rocks as if they could stabilise me though I am not sure why I thought that gravity could suddenly tilt and plummet me to my death. Phobias to do with heights are just as crazy as phobias to do with spiders. 

Just as I felt that I was growing accustomed to it, it looked like clouds were coming in thicker so we went back down. In retrospect, the clouds were just coming in and out all the time and if anything the trend was towards them lightening and I wish we had spent longer there. But Lisa was down below waiting for us and so down we went. 

It was sunny by the time we were at the bottom so we decided to head back to the viewpoints we missed on the foggy Thursday. We saw some great views but nothing could compete with Segla in the clouds.


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